Exotic Fish
Home Page

About My Fish

Fish Photos

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Guest Book Page

Welcome To My Home Page
I started this site so that I could sell my fish and so that I could give the other people a chance to own some superb fish. I currently raise, breed, and sell guppies, Dwarf Seahorses, and Endler's Livebearers. 
Site Updates

6/21/05 I started this site

1/26/06  I am updating the whole site. please check back often to see the latest improvments!

Male Guppy

This is a picture the male guppies that I have gotten from my first trio of guppies.  The originals were pretty but the babies are absolutely beautiful.

Site Additions
I have put a page for pictures, a page for the products that I am selling, and several other pages for your enjoyment.  Please sign my guest book if you are a first time visitor, OR if you are NOT a first time visitor!!
Email Me!!!


Dwarf Seahorse

This is a picture of one of my female Dwarf Seahorses, the babies are also this color at birth but they are changing to a darker brown color.

Email ME!!